Product Design


A graduate who is:

  • Able to apply the knowledge and skills of the discipline to design and create products in the professional or crafts industry.
  • Able to take the risk to develop a business around innovative and environmentally-responsible products that improve quality of life for others.
  • Able to develop and teach product design skills and discipline through the framework of a biblical worldview in academic institutions.

You will learn things related to product design, such as:

  • Product photography
  • Making an abstract model to simulate the behavior and response of a wide range of systems and prototypes
  • Principles in product engineering
  • Crafting techniques and its implementation
  • Designing furniture, jewelry, automotive, etc.

*For course details, you can see on curriculum

Here are several career choices & prospective jobs for Product Design graduates:

  • Junior/Senior Product Designer
  • Lighting Designer
  • 3D Modeller
  • Design Consultant
  • 3D designer
  • Project manager
  • Production team
  • Production Administrator
  • 3D Visual Designer
  • Product Developer
  • Industrial Designer
  • Design Coordinator
  • UPH mendukung proses pembelajaran melalui fasilitas, dosen yang mendorong pengembangan diri, dan Ketika berkuliah saya bebas mengeksplorasi kesukaan saya di dunia furniture.

    Product Design 2014 - Heaf of Design - Kayunara

  • Kuliah di Program Studi Desain Produk UPH berperan penting dalam membentuk konsep kreatif dan cara berpikir saya.

    Lily Suryani

    Product Design 2009 - Visual Merchandising & Store Planning South Asia of Richemont


1st Semester
Courses Credits
Basic Design Studio 1 4
Drawing 1 4
Technical Drawing 4
Product Photography 2
History of Art & Culture 2
Soft Skills 2
2nd Semester
Courses Credits
Basic Design Studio 2 3
Drawing 2 3
Computer Modeling 4
Rapid Prototiping 2
History of Product Design 1 2
Christian Religion / World Religion 4
Indonesian Language 2
3rd Semester
Courses Credits
Design Presentation 2
History of Product Design 2 2
Socio Cultural Design 2
Pancasila 2
4th Semester
Courses Credits
Material and Process 4
Video Design 2
Craft Design 4
Basic Product Engineering 4
Christian Worldview 1 / History of Thought 4
5th Semester
Courses Credits
Design Presentation 2 2
Furniture Design 1 4
Product Design 1 4
Elective 1 4
User Interface Design 2
Christian Worldview 2 / Philosophy of Science 4
6th Semester
Courses Credits
Junior Year Internship 2
Christian Worldview 3 / Ethics 4
Tech Skills 2
7th Semester
Courses Credits
Product Design 2 (social innovation) 4
Sustainable Design 4
Elective 2 4
Furniture Design 2 3
User Experience Design 2
Design Method 2
8th Semester
Courses Credits
Product Design 3 (service design) 4
Design for Community 4
Elective 3 4
Lighting Design 3
Civics 2
9th Semester
Courses Credits
Design Management 4
Senior Year Internship 2
10th Semester
Courses Credits
Design Research 2
11th Semester
Courses Credits
Final Project 6
Mata Kuliah Tambahan
Courses Credits
Fashion Jewelry Design 4
Fine Jewelry Design 4
Advance Jewelry Design 4
Ceramics : Handbuilding 4
Ceramics : Mass production 4
Ceramic Glaze 4
Automotive Styling 4
Automotive Modeling 4
Advance Computer Modeling 4
Space, material and interior 4
SoD Interdisiplinary elective 2
Wawasan Dunia
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Agama Kristen / Pendidikan Agama-agama Dunia
Logika Terapan / Critical Thinking
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 1 / Filsafat Ilmu
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 2 / Etika
Wawasan Dunia Kristen 3 / Sejarah Pemikiran
Pengenalan Diri
Courses Credits
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Pengantar Ilmu Alam
Bahasa Indonesia / BIPA
General English
Kecakapan Akademik
Kesehatan dan Kebugaran
Study Fee
Total Study Fee* Rp240.840.000

*) The price covers all tuition fee during normal study period according to valid curriculum



Devanny Gumulya,
S.Sn., M.Sc.

Head of Product Design

Devanny Gumulya, S.SN., M.SC. is the Head of Product Design Study Program. She teaches Design Methodology, Socio-cultural Design, Product Design History, Design for Community, and Seminar courses. Her areas of interest include design history, and semiotics. She earned her title in Product Service System Design from Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy.

Journal Publications:

  • Pencarian Identitas Desain Lampu Gentur Cianjur Dengan Pendekatan Teori Semiotik
    MUDRA Jurnal Seni Budaya Volume 33, Nomor 1, Februari 2018
  • The role of perceived enjoyment in people's attitude to accept toy and equipment renting for children: A comparative study between people who have been using the service versus those who have never used the rental service
    Management Science Letters, 2020
  • Kajian Teori Emotional Design
    Jurnal Desain Unindra, 2015

see other publications (click here)

Susi Hartanto,
S.Sn., M.M

Deputy Department of Product Design

Susi Hartanto, S.SN., M.M. is the Deputy of Product Design Study Program. She teaches Furniture Design, Computer Modelling, and Technical Drawing courses. Her areas of interest include furniture design, and fashion design. She earned her Master of Management in Retail from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:

  • Finishing sebagai Aspek Penting dalam Portfolio Produk Mebel Perusahaan
    Jurnal Desain Unindra, 2020
  • Digitalisasi Pakaian melalui Clo3D
    Jurnal Da Moda, 2020

see other publications (click here)

Geoffrey Tjakra,


Geoffrey Tjakra, BFA, MFAis a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Ceramic, Handicraft,and Product Design Studio courses. His areas of interest include ceramics, and handicraft. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's in Fine Arts from California State University.

Rio Ferdinand,
S.Sn., M.T.


Rio Ferdinand, S.SN., a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Drawing, Automotive Modeling,and Product Design Studio courses. His areas of interest include industrial design, automotive, drawing, and product design. He earned his Industrial Technology Degree from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Ingrid Dianita Indah,


Ingrid Dianita Indah, S.SN., GIA AJP is a Lecturer of Product Design Study Program. She teaches Jewelry Design, Presentation Design, and Drawing courses. Her areas of interest include jewelry design, and drawing. She earned her Degree in Interior Design from Universitas Trisakti.

Michael Christoffel Limahelu,


Michael Christoffel Limahelu, S.SN. is a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Furniture Design course. His areas of interest include furniture design, and product design. He earned his Product Design Degree from Universitas Trisakti.

Sheena Yngre Liman,

Ruben Haris Lukito,


Ruben Haris Lukito, S.SN. is a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Drawing, Automotive Styling,Product Design Studio, and Presentation Design courses. His areas of interest include automotive, drawing, and product design. He earned his Design Degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Tania Jocelynn Trisnadi, S.Sn.


Devanny Gumulya,
S.Sn., M.Sc.

Department Chair of Product Design

Devanny Gumulya, S.SN., M.SC. is the Department Chair of Product Design. She teaches Design Methodology, Socio-cultural Design, Product Design History, Design for Community, and Seminar courses. Her areas of interest include design history, and semiotics. She earned her title in Product Service System Design from Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy.

Journal Publications:

  • Pencarian Identitas Desain Lampu Gentur Cianjur Dengan Pendekatan Teori Semiotik
    MUDRA Jurnal Seni Budaya Volume 33, Nomor 1, Februari 2018
  • The role of perceived enjoyment in people's attitude to accept toy and equipment renting for children: A comparative study between people who have been using the service versus those who have never used the rental service
    Management Science Letters, 2020
  • Kajian Teori Emotional Design
    Jurnal Desain Unindra, 2015

see other publications (click here)

Susi Hartanto,
S.Sn., M.M

Deputy Department of Product Design

Susi Hartanto, S.SN., M.M. is the Deputy of Product Design Study Program. She teaches Furniture Design, Computer Modelling, and Technical Drawing courses. Her areas of interest include furniture design, and fashion design. She earned her Master of Management in Retail from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Journal Publications:

  • Finishing sebagai Aspek Penting dalam Portfolio Produk Mebel Perusahaan
    Jurnal Desain Unindra, 2020
  • Digitalisasi Pakaian melalui Clo3D
    Jurnal Da Moda, 2020

see other publications (click here)

Geoffrey Tjakra,


Geoffrey Tjakra, BFA, MFAis a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Ceramic, Handicraft,and Product Design Studio courses. His areas of interest include ceramics, and handicraft. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's in Fine Arts from California State University.

Ingrid Dianita Indah,


Ingrid Dianita Indah, S.SN., GIA AJP is a Lecturer of Product Design Study Program. She teaches Jewelry Design, Presentation Design, and Drawing courses. Her areas of interest include jewelry design, and drawing. She earned her Degree in Interior Design from Universitas Trisakti.

Michael Christoffel Limahelu,


Michael Christoffel Limahelu, S.SN. is a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Furniture Design course. His areas of interest include furniture design, and product design. He earned his Product Design Degree from Universitas Trisakti.

Rio Ferdinand,
S.Sn., M.T.


Rio Ferdinand, S.SN., a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Drawing, Automotive Modeling,and Product Design Studio courses. His areas of interest include industrial design, automotive, drawing, and product design. He earned his Industrial Technology Degree from Universitas Pelita Harapan.

Ruben Haris Lukito,


Ruben Haris Lukito, S.SN. is a lecturer of Product Design Study Program. He teaches Drawing, Automotive Styling,Product Design Studio, and Presentation Design courses. His areas of interest include automotive, drawing, and product design. He earned his Design Degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Student Council

Product Design Student Council is an organization brought by, managed by, and dedicated to Product Design students at UPH. The aim is to help students grow, build better relationships between students, and bring the program of study forward.

To enhance the academic and non-academic development of Product Design students at UPH, and to bring the program of study forward.

  • To build better relationships between Product Design students
  • To act as a vessel to improve the creativity of Product Design students
  • To introduce and popularize Product Design as a program of study
  • To build relations and cooperate with other student organizations
  • Sapu Lidi (Bonding event)
  • Product Design Fair (Workshop and/or Exhibition)
  • Leading Through Art/LIGHT (Leadership Training)
  • Productine (IGTV series)
  • Seminar
  • Today's Product (IG)
  • Comparative Study